almost the weekend.

Hello peeps!

Can you believe it is almost weekend? It feels like just yesterday I’m posting a blog here. And suddenly, here we meet again weekend.

As I’m writing, I’m looking at wilted baby breath flowers which turns into beautiful brownish colour. I’m really fancy the brownish colour. It looks aesthetic. Now pondering about what to write. lol.

P/S: Please excuse my orange bundt cake I’ve made last Monday. Decided to make a lemon cake this weekend. But my brother requested croissant. Let see which one I’ll made.

Peeps, how do you feel about the weekend? Time to relax or time to fit in as much as possible? Staying home or heading out? However you want to spend your free time, it’s your time and you shouldn’t feel pressured to spend it any particular way.

For many of us, weekends can easily turn into all the wrong kinds of busy. Rushing about, cramming in as many errands and much activities as possible, tackling overdue housework and DIY – only to get to Sunday night (with the Monday fear looming) and feeling like you haven’t done what you actually wanted to. If pandemic life has shown us anything, it’s that it’s ok to slow down. Time to reclaim your weekends.

But I believe it’s important to bring a bit of that weekend feeling into your weekdays too. Whether that’s by lighting candles for a weekday dinner with the family, getting outdoors at lunchtime or after work, finding a bit of time (however short!) to unplug and switch off, or simply spending a bit of time planning the fun for next weekend, it can always be done. Tiny little things can make a difference, if you want them to.

My perfect weekend consists of time with family and friends, getting outside  (like running or camping), maybe a bit of shopping, browsing some clothes, some easy cooking or baking, an old Harry Potter movie, a good book, and always countless cups of tea. Nothing special – but that’s what makes it special to me.

Have a fun weekend!

Talk to you soon,
Emir S.


croissant. the first attempt.


less is more.