four tips to stay fit when working from home.

Hello peeps!

Year 2020 saw my house’s kitchen bench tops and dining room tables become my workspace. As I consult my clients via virtual meeting apps, there’s no need for me to go out and about while our country still in lockdown.

And most people around the world, their spaces in house become workspaces who worked from home during the coronavirus pandemic. As we’re now firmly into 2021, many of us still working from home. Once upon a time, work from home seems impossible for most of employee as employer feels the productivity will be heavily impacted. But today, work from home has become the ‘new norm’.

Working from home has so many benefits, but is is also simply easy to fall into bad habits if you’re not careful. Having a flexible time schedule and big self-independence can be a fantastic opportunities. But obviously distractions and less supervision can zap your productivity if you’re not careful. Sitting at home alone all day can also have big adverse effects especially on your mental and physical health.

So, here are some easy tips I want to share that you can adopt to make your home workspace healthier and happier!

  1. Plan Your Meals Ahead

It can be tempting to find yourself reaching for the biscuit tin constantly when your workspace is within metres of your kitchen. However, taking the time to prepare healthy food ahead of time, just as you would if you were heading into the office ensures you can use your breaks to eat a proper meal. This meaning you’ll be less likely to experience that 3 pm slump and reach for the sugary snacks throughout the afternoon.

2. Create a dedicated workspace

When you work from home, it’s all too easy to crave the comfort working from your bed or in front of the TV (we’ve all been there!), but that’s a bad habit to fall into. It's essential to have a dedicated workspace so that you can — physically and mentally — separate your work from the rest of your life.

Choose a space with plenty of natural light, invest in a proper desk set-up and chair and surround yourself with things that make you happy, like plants and fresh flowers. A dedicated workspace will mean that when you step into your workspace, you'll feel like it's time to get down to business.

3. Move!

The motivation to workout doesn’t come easy for many of us, especially when you’re not leaving the house. It’s important to schedule times to move into your day, just like you would if you were heading to the gym after work or running to a class. Moderate activity throughout your day will renew your energy level and get you ready for you next task with a new outlook, even if it’s just a 10-minute stretch, a short walk outside your taman area or a gym class via Zoom—whatever works for you.

4. Get fresh air and Vitamin D

It’s easy to go the whole day without setting foot outside when you work from home. Taking regular breaks is key to not only looking good but feeling good too. It can be tempting to think that you have to fill every minute of the day with ‘productive’ tasks, but schedule your day the same way you would in the office and block time out for a proper lunch break. Even if it’s just a 5-minute walk around your neighbourhood, take a break and go outside for your daily dose of fresh air and Vitamin D. Your body, your skin, and your mind will thank you!

Hope you guys enjoy my writing.
Talk to you soon.
Spread love and positivity,
Love, EMIR xx


five benefits of practicing gratitude.

