how fit are you?

Hello peeps!

I sometimes think of myself as being really unfit. I know that’s not true, but sometimes it’s how I feel. It can be when I haven’t been to the gym for a while, when I am really struggling in an exercise class, when I feel out of breath after walking up the escalators on my way to work, and when I compare myself to friends and others at the gym.

Then I remind myself that I ran a half marathon.

22 km of running.

And although I am not as fit as I was in April last year, I know that I can make myself fit again.

Overall fitness is said to consist of five elements;

Cardio fitness

Muscular strength

Muscular endurance


Body composition (body fat %)

My particular weakness is my flexibility, although I don’t feel too confident about any of the other aspects of my ‘fitness makeup’.

Guidelines suggest that you should exercise for at least 2.5hours a week, at moderate intensity, spread over most days of the week. It should be a mix of cardio and weights.

Taking that into consideration, I think that my current routine is along the right lines. I don’t really have a set schedule week in, week out though, which I think I should do. It will help me be more organised about my exercise. Plus, I’ve signed up to run the SCMKL half marathon this year (organizer postponed to next year due to pandemic) and so will need to fit in some running training into my schedule.

I’m still working on what days of the week I will fit everything in, but I know I want my schedule to include; pilates yoga, HIIT and half marathon training. I’d also like to keep some space open to try some other classes such as body combat. And since we’re in lockdown, most of this exercise guided from several youtube videos.

I’m hoping that scheduling in exercise 5 or 6 times a week, I’ll be less likely to skip a workout. In order to keep losing weight and to improve my fitness, I need to ensure that exercise is a big part of my life throughout 2021 (and beyond!!)

I had my BMI measured yesterday and was told I was very normal, with a BMI between 23-24, however this is still the top end of healthy. I still want to lose another 3kg (of body fat I hope!!)

How many hours a week do you exercise? Do you think you have a balance between all the aspects of being ‘fit’?

Stay fit and active!
Talk to you soon,


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