letter to my dear niece.


Letter to My Dear Anak Uncle
Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia.

Assalamualaikum anak uncle!!!

Welcome to the world.

First of all, welcome dear love. You do not know how happy your parents and us today. Your nenek has been waiting this moment like… for ages. And thanks to you, today we’re celebrating and feeling so happy. Your uncles and aunts has been put smiling on their face since this morning.

Anak uncle, always remember to be respectful and polite to people around you. Never forget the sacrifices your mum has endured to bring you into this world. Remember to be a humble always anak uncle. No matter how high you reach up for the sky, always keep your feet firmly grounded.

Never forget your roots, your family. Without family, life is meaningless. You are a Muslim and with that comes responsibilities but I am sure with time you will figure your life out.

Your mum and your dad are so in love with you and of course they are the proudest parents in the world. They have great hopes and expectations for you but will always be there to support your dreams, providing for you and your future. They will listen, give advice and when needed, they'll do what’s necessary to keep you in line.

Love you and thank you for having your mom, your dad, your grandparents, dearest aunts and uncle and I to be part of your world.

Lots of Love,
Uncle Amir xx
14082021 0940hrs


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