list of things to stop wasting your money on.


Hello peeps!

When it comes to budgeting and trying to save money, those impulse buys or unnecessary spends can really take their toll on your efforts. In order to make sure your hard work truly does pay off, consider giving some of the things on this list the old “heave-ho” to see if eliminating them can free up some spending room for other things:

item one; online shipping.

If online shopping has become your favourite form of free time, then at least do yourself a favour and try to reduce shipping costs as much as possible. Most retailers have free shipping deals, but in case your current order doesn’t offer this perk, use honey add-ons on your browser to see what types of deals you can find.

item two; banking fees.

Between overdraft, ATM, and other banking fees, it’s no wonder you can’t seem to accumulate any real “interest” or savings. Take a look at your bank statement today to see what types of hidden fees might be creeping into your savings.

item three; subscriptions.

They’re convenient, sure, but all of those memberships really add up! Instead of opting in to the next subscription service, try paying as you go instead! This way, you’ll only end up paying for something you’re really using.

item four; smart phone data.

Evaluate your next phone bill to see how much you’re currently paying for data. If you’re continuing to go over your data or minutes limits each month, consider upgrading to an unlimited plan to avoid paying monthly penalty fees. On the other hand, if you’re not using as much data as you originally thought, contact your phone company to see what options you might have so you’re not paying for a service you don’t need.

item five; name brand items.

The next time you’re shopping your local grocery store or nearby Jaya Grocer, take a look at the price difference between your normal name brand item and the generic version likely positioned next to it on the shelf. Sure, not every generic item is a great substitute for the “real thing”, but in many cases, the switch to the generic product can be worth every bit of the cost savings. Give it a try!

item six; cable TV.

Cord-cutting has become a popular thing for a reason. If you’re finding most of your tv-watching has taken the form of binge-watching new shows on Disney+ or Netflix, then consider chopping your cable bill. Give your cable company a call to either negotiate a new rate or drop the service altogether.

item seven; fast food.

There’s a time and a place for fast food, but this habit should not be part of your daily budget. Instead, opt to splurge on those McDonalds fries sporadically and pack your lunch (or dinner!) on those other days of the month to save some major cash.

item eight: trips to the coffee shop.

No one is telling you to give up caffeine (can you imagine?!), but perhaps scaling back on those pricey non-fat Venti lattes is worth trying. If you notice a good portion of your weekly budget going towards little splurges like this, invest instead in a quality coffee maker for your own kitchen. Sure, spending money initially may seem counterintuitive, but we promise that in the long run, your overall budget will thank you.

item nine; brand new cars.

Buying a gently used car can save you thousands! Since cars are a depreciating asset in and of themselves, buying one brand new is oftentimes not the most sound investment. Instead, consider buying a used model.

Hope you guys manage to organized your finance wisely.
Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,


budgeting mistakes.


classic homemade sugar doughnuts.