moving to a new country.

Hello peeps!

It has been quite some time since we’ve last spoken. A bit busy settling some matters. As I shared through my social media, I have moved to a new country, Singapore. Luckily is just a stone's throw from Malaysia, my home country. But with a different country comes different rules, cultures, and environments.

The world is filled with new and magical places. But for many of us, beyond a vacation here and there, we spend most of our lives in just one place. Taking the leap and moving to another city or country can be scary, but sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn and grow. So after long and great consideration, I decided to take the job offer here. (Thanks to the fallen Malaysia ringgits and strengthening of Singapore dollars ;P Just Kid.)

Moving to another city or country requires a lot to be gained, especially when learning more about yourself and other people and cultures. Such a major life change can be intimidating, but as they say: you only live once. Here eight elements I consider before I pack up my bags and move.

one. test my limit.

Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith to find out what we’re capable of. While it may be impossible for me to imagine saying goodbye to a place I’ve called home for a long time, moving to another city or country is a great way to see how far my limits can go. And if I can do that, who knows what else I can do?

two. foster independence.

There is comfort in familiarity, but it takes real courage to build independence. This is what I perceived. There’s nothing wrong with spending our life surrounded by people you know, love, and trust, but with that familiarity comes complacency. You may be surprised how much you rely on the people around you for comfort and validation, and how scary you find unfamiliarity. Heading out into the world on your own, without the security of those you’re used to having around you, is a huge lesson in independence that’s hard to come by in other ways. And while it’s an overwhelming prospect to be on our own, it’s not all black and white—your support system will always be just a phone call away.

three. broaden my horizons.

The best way to experience something new is to immerse yourself in it. For me, you don’t really have to move across the globe to do that—even making a move to a new city in your own country can provide you with access to an entirely new way of living. Being around a new culture has the unique power to broaden our perception of the world and our place in it, in turn opening our eyes to a clearer perception of both other people and ourselves. The benefits are multi-faceted and, even if you don’t move to a new a city or country for the long haul, will last with you for life.

four. learn to be alone.

In my view, there’s something very freeing about the ability to be alone. Some of us are born being comfortable with it, and others have to constantly push themselves to do it. Even if you already have friends or family members waiting for you when you move to a new city or country, you will inevitably experience some feelings of solitude. It comes with the territory of being a stranger in your environment. But if you embrace these feelings, you can really grow from them. Learning to feel safe and content in your own company is a lesson you can take with you wherever you go—you may even learn that you really love it.

five. make new friends.

It was easy to make new friends as a kid, when your new BFF may have just been the person eating lunch next to you in the cafeteria. As we get older, however, forming new friendships becomes more difficult. There’s nothing wrong with being content in our existing relationships, but there is something to be said for continuing to form new bonds and connections as we get older. Moving to a new place forces you to do just that. Whereas you may not have had much incentive before to get out there and meet new people, getting settled in a new city or country requires that you branch out and make connections. If you’re nervous about it, start out by just trying to meet your neighbors (I had breakfast this morning with my neighbour and introduced myself as the new lad on the block!) As your confidence builds, you’ll feel ready to expand your circle.

six. choose my optimal place to live.

If you’ve always wondered why your parents chose to live in the suburbs when there are so many great cities to explore or why anyone wouldn’t want to live near the ocean and palm trees, making the move to a new city or country is your chance to find somewhere to live that checks all the right boxes for you. In addition to the scenery, you’ll be able to choose somewhere to live that aligns with how you like to (or would like to) go about your life—from cost of living to amenities to the food scene, and more.

seven. gain valuable experience.

I believe employers like to see that you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone. It builds character, which in turn builds better employees. Don’t move just to satisfy what you think somebody else might want, but do chalk up a move to a new city or country as a great resume booster that can help you out in the future. Will it get you a job? Probably not. But will it set you apart from the competition? Definitely.

eight. i start to appreciate where i came from.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. It’s easy to take the things around you for granted if you never experience another way of living. Making the move to a new city or country will challenge your assumptions about where you came from and enable you to look at your roots from a brand new perspective. Even if you never move back to the place you previously lived, you’ll always have a more open minded vantage point from which to view it and an appreciation for what makes it different and special.

There’s no right or wrong age to pack up and make your move, so if you’ve got the itch to try out life in a new place and the flexibility to make it happen, go for it. You’re more likely to regret not doing it than taking the plunge.

With that, welcome to my new adventure! See you again on the next post!

Take care,
Emir S.


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