passionate about baking.

Hello and very good afternoon peeps!

It is very hot, isn’t it this afternoon? After performing the Friday Prayer, I am drenched in sweat returning from the mosque. I decided to take a quick sip of an ice latte and a slice of cake at Jaslyn Cafe in Mont Kiara neighbourhood. Hopefully the ice latte can help in quenching my thirst under this hot afternoon weather.

On today’s write up, I feel I want to share with you peeps on something that I’ve always wanted to talk about.


I have always felt that “passion” is a really strong word. Who can feel something so strongly to do something? According to, there are quite a few different definitions for passion, but the following definitions are that I am discussing for my context, as quoted from, passion is:

“1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.

2. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything”

Being untalented in most things, I was extremely surprised to know and feel when I developed a passion for baking.

Like many other things, I wasn’t successful at all. I was really bad at sports, and the only things I could excel in is at academics. Even in my co-curricular activities ( CCA ), I definitely didn’t excel in CCA, although my hard work and diligence were definitely recognized.

But here comes the difference. When I failed baking something, I feel an inner sense of motivation to improve myself and succeed. Even should I succeed, with my friends and family acknowledging my success, I want to improve myself and never give up continuously. I will always be thinking about what I to bake next, and how am I going to improve my skill of baking.

Even with limited time now during my daily work as an engineer leading to me having a really short two days during the weekends to catch up with my hobby, I am going to use this time wisely to dedicate a huge portion of it to baking ( and now, this blog!). This is simply because I don’t want to stop progressing. I can’t wait to keep improving and mastering this skill.

Time waits for no one! I always believe every step counts, and here is my first baby step. May more steps progress me towards a happier me!

I have endless Eid Open House invitations this weekend. As it will be the last week of the Eid Open House, I am trying as much as possible to attend it.

I will speak to you soon.

Emir S.


training insken. realiti masa kini.


syawal. a victory.