ramadan reflection.


Hello and Good Day,

Dearest friends,

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For Muslims, Ramadan is not only a month where you are collecting good deeds, it's also a month where we improve ourselves.

Muslims must engage in more self-reflection throughout the month so as to fully benefit from the blessings and wisdom of Ramadan. The month readily offers them invaluable lessons in faith, spirituality, awareness, unity, dignity, charity, justice and social engagement, and these will yield positive impact in the long run.

A part of self improvement should be our mental and spiritual wellness. As we continue to contribute to charities, feed the hungry, recite more Quran and offer more rakaats of prayer, please also put self-care and self-improvement in these area on your ibadah list as well.

We will not only grow into better versions of ourselves but we also be more focused in our worship and be better to others.

Wish you Ramadan Mubarak. May this Ramadan bring joy, happiness and prosperous to you. May Allah answer all your prayers in this holy month of Ramadan.

Spread love and positivity.

Salam Ramadan,



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