running alone; pros VS cons

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hello peeps!

Since COVID-19 cases increase last year, I have spend so many times running alone. Whether at Putrajaya or Hulu Langat, these are the moment where I can increase my paces and also bring up my stamina.

Running alone can be extremely fun and rewarding…but it can also be hard to motivate yourself to starting in the first place. Here are some of the pros and cons of running alone;


one; zone out.

If you are looking for a chance to completely zone out, throw on your favorite playlist or podcast and get the miles in, there is no better way. A lot of us barely get thinking time so this is always a great opportunity for jut that.

two; personal best chaser.

Got a goal? Have a time to beat? No one is in your way! Run your way and just go for it!

three; set your own pace.

Finding your own pace can be hard if running with others that are faster or slower then you. Give it some time and find a pace where you are comfortable running. Then this can be something you monitor and work on.

four; mentally strengthening.

The mentality to get up and run on your own can be a hard one to crack. It takes strength to get up and go for it without the push to others. Everytime you do it, your building that ‘mental muscle’ so that it gets easier and easier to do each time.


one; will you even start?

Starting is often the hardest part of any workout, let alone running. When there is no one willing you to get moving, will you even lace up? Some need that friend to get them up and go.

two; where’s the support?

Some of us like having that workout partner tell us ‘get a move on, we are nearly at the end’ or give us some inspiration along the way. It’s pretty hard to get that on your own.

three; mentally challenging.

You could be more likely to stop earlier then you intend as that negative nancy on your shoulder keeps trying to get you home and off the running path. It’s tough to out-talk negative self thought.

Whether you like running alone or in a group, the main thing is that you are out there running! Do you prefer running with or without people? How do you use each instance to benefit you? Let me know your thoughts yeah.

Talk to you soon,
Take care and stay safe,


aidiladha, a lesson about sacrifice.


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