what is exactly my job as a financial advisor?

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Hello peeps!

The changing financial landscape and increasingly sophisticated requirements of Malaysian consumers call for higher financial services standards. To respond to the increased demand for complex financial products, the introduction of professional intermediaries such as financial advisor to enable Malaysians to obtain professional advice on more comprehensive financial products and services is essential.

Financial advisor plays a crucial role in providing holistic financial advisory services to consumers, ranging from insurance protection, savings plan, retirement planning, and future investments.

What does it mean? It means that a financial advisor is able to help you plan for major life events (such as design and plan a proper life insurance plan, retirement, sending your children to college, purchasing a home, paying off student loans, paying for a wedding, etc.), and help you invest accordingly so that you can live the life you’ve always pictured.

Think about it: you probably want to retire someday, don’t you? Are you picturing relaxing mornings by the water, not waking up to any alarms, travelling around the world, spending time with friends and family, living in the moment, and ultimately… not working? Me too! The retired life sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? But here’s the thing – without proper planning and saving, that dream life may stay a dream. Like anything else worth having, achieving a goal requires strategic action, responsible saving, and a realistic plan. A financial advisor can help with all of that.

First things first – think about why you would need me as an advisor and what goals you have for your future. Doing so will help focus your priorities and help you better understand what you’re hoping to accomplish by working with me. Next, set up a time to meet with me. This can be done either virtually or physically face to face.

I’m offering a free consultation for new or prospective clients, so take advantage of this chance to meet with me and determine if it is a good “fit”. Ask questions, get to know me, and assess how you feel. A “good” advisor should make you a priority, accommodate your financial lifestyle and want to form a long-term relationship with you (versus creating a transactional relationship).

For any other information about personal financial planning please contact me (visit my contact page) and schedule your free consultation today with me to get started!

Hope you enjoy my writing.
Spread positivity and love.
Talk to you soon.


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