why interior designer?


Hello peeps!

Today, I would like to share with you why I hired interior designer for my wee house renovation. 

I’ve bought this small apartment on 2018. It was completed in 2020. Back then until now, I’m engaging with contractor and interior designer from Rekabinet and Syazwani Kadir

I believe this will probably be one of the most common question that will first come to your mind. Honestly, my initial plan was to hire different contractors or Indonesian workers to do my house renovation because they are usually known to be cheaper than interior designer (ID). In fact, if you ask around and I believe most people will ask you to go with contractors rather than an ID, simply because their price will be so much better.

However, I have changed my decision eventually and decided to hire an ID instead of hiring different contractors. As this is my first house, this might be the only chance we will get to design the space I would love to live in. Furthermore, I do have an idea what kind of design I wanted which is minimalist Scandinavian. But being an engineer, I do not how to change these fancy ideas into reality. 

After much deliberation - back and forth in the limbo, I decided to go for an ID. "Why so expensive? Why do you go for an ID? ID will always think of ways to overcharge you. Contractors can also do the exact same thing, but at a much cheaper price. - As expected, these are the responses from my circle of friends and family. 

Many people suggested that we can copy other people's design from the internet and get a contractor to do the same thing for our house. The cost will be so much lower than hiring an ID. After all, the result will be same.

But I was not keen about that idea. I do not want a house that belong to others. I wanted a home that truly belong to me. I certainly do not want to live with any renovation regrets.
Everyone love to find cheap and good deals. But often, good things does not come cheap. A cheap package deal sometimes turn out to be the start of a renovation nightmare. I believe many of you would have read dozens of stories about the horrible experience home owners had with IDs and contractors.

Renovation is not something you can scrimp as the quality of renovation can affect the quality of your life. Yes, contractors are cheaper, but what makes you so sure that they will not try to overcharge you? What makes you so sure that they will never run away after receiving the payment before job completion? How do you know they can be trusted?

I am lucky because in my family, I have two person whom their profession is in the built environment industry. My sister, Aisha is an architect and Aiman, currently in his years in university doing architecture course. Both of them greatly influence me interest in design and also how I fall in love with architecture and interior design. Also thanks to the Sims games where most of my childhood time spend on designing a house.

why interior designer?

One of the biggest reason why I decided to go for an ID is because I was worried about collaborate issues. I do not want to liaise with different contractors directly and tell them specifically what I want and do not want. I do not want to yell at contractor and subcontractors every other day to get things done. Apparently, those days of me dealing with idiots are over. 

But don't get me wrong. I am not saying a contractor cannot do a good job. A renovation job can be good only if you know what you want and have the knowledge to achieve the desirable outcome. However, contractors usually do not provide the same amount of advice and suggestion as an ID. This is also another reason why I decided to hire an ID.

I’ve met with Syazwani several time to revise the design before we finally decided to handover to Rekabinet. It turned out that there are more into design than I expected. The measurement, the layout, the flow, selection of colour scheme, furniture and such. Thank god I’ve made this decision to engage with an ID. Otherwise, it will be like a rojak pasembor.

As someone whom really meticulous in getting things done, I would say that engaging with ID is very convenience and such a big help in my busy life. Imagine juggling with business and work, at the same time need to take a good care with renovation - it would be such a fuss.


As the renovation started last year coincidence with COVID-19 pandemic. My house renovation has been postponed several times. Finger cross that it will be completed by the end of this year. 

Talk to you soon! Stay safe!



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