i’m back.

Hello peeps,
How’s it going?

It’s been 6 long ass months since my last blog post. Gasp. I know. Crazy, right?! And let me tell you guys, a lot has happened. Quit myself from financial consultant. I moved to majestically Eco Majestic in Semenyih. I got my very first freelance engineering job. Moved out from my parents house and moved into my new apartment. And slowly but surely, I assimilated back into the independence of bachelor life. Definetely get familiar with the new routine now.

But those life things aren’t my excuses for not writing to you. Nope.

But I needed space.

No, no, not from you! From the blog.

After spending months religiously posting every odd days, I was burnt out. Why, you ask? I’ll confess:

Being “a blogger” brought me all sorts of internal strife. I struggled with identity crisis, got nervous sweats at the thought of filming myself, and wasted way too much time agonizing about the perfect Instagram caption. [Let’s out big sigh]There, I said it.

Before I start my blog up again, I want to let you in on my very real struggle, beyond the glamorous selfie photos and envy-inducing travel tales and mouthwatering dishes I’ve made. I want to confess the real reason why I fell off the face of the blogosphere for 6 months, and the raw feelings that go along with the seemingly foot-loose and fancy-free lifestyle of blogger.


While moving and re-arranging life is something really busy and important to do, I musn’t procrastinate on writing one simple blog post. Normally it takes an hour to complete the writing and editing process. It should be doable.

I’ve missed writing about the productivity, financial management and the mouthwatering recipe that makes every inch of our life uniquely magnificent. I’ve missed empowering people to live their best wanderlust-filled life. And I’ve missed you guys. Honestly.

You know how they say “if you love ’em let ’em go and if they come back they’ll be yours forever?” Well mates, I’m back.

Talk to you soon.

Writing to you from Semenyih, Selangor…
Lots of love,


end of the year.


new year. new resolution.