why I travel solo?

Hello and Good Day!

How are you guys? I hope you guys had a blast in the New Year. I know I enjoyed it much. Last night was a blast. As you know, I am currently entering the second half of my journey. A solo trip around Europe. As I shared in my previous post, I am currently at Palermo International Airport or the Falcone Borsellino Airport. Try to kill time by writing as much as possible about my journey and thoughts during this trip.

I had a chance to walk down the historical part of Palermo City last night. It is a very beautiful city full of spectacular architecture. And the fairy's night lights give a magical touch to the scene.

In this post, I would like to share why I travel solo.

These days, my news feed is filled with pictures of solo adventurers taking on the world, heading to one gorgeous destination after another. Even with a ton of positive press on setting out to see the world on your own, concerns still arise. Safety concerns, loneliness, and boredom can make solo travel scary or unappealing. So, why is it a good idea to travel somewhere alone?

I’ve traveled for business, in groups, with family and friends, and alone. As someone who values experiences, I find each of these types of travel to be advantageous in different ways. That said, ever since my first solo adventure, I have always advocated encouraging others to give it a whirl. It has, hands down, offered me the best experiences of my life. There is an endless list of benefits to jet-setting alone, and I want to help spread the inspiration that anyone can and should try. Below are just a few examples of the impact solo travel can have.

one: independence & empowerment

Travelers who go on solo adventures often talk about how empowered they feel when they return from a trip. They usually return to a new person with a fresh perspective on life. Solo travel represents freedom, independence, and, of course, wanderlust. It also allows you to create your schedule of everything you want to do, including when and how you want to do it!

two: confidence

Some consider solo travel as a brave endeavor. I don't think of going solo as brave because if you plan properly, you will be ready for whatever comes your way. The more research you do on a destination (safety, cultural norms, language, etc.), the better prepared you will be to handle anything. Even if you’re not fully prepared, stepping out of your comfort zone by traveling somewhere alone will help you gain confidence to take on the world. Given you’re entering the unknown, it will offer opportunities to learn how to face various types of scenarios.

three: self-discovery

Solo travel allows you to listen to your gut and control what direction you want to head. It allows you to reflect on your decisions and discover more about what makes you, you. Spending even a minimal time in solitude will allow you to embark on an inward journey of self-discovery.

four: connections and new friendships

There is a misconception that solo travel means you’re always alone. While some prefer to be alone, you can also make new friends on your journey. Travel can lead to exciting adventures and meaningful experiences with strangers that have a long-lasting impact. Nowadays, there are plenty of apps that offer opportunities to make connections with like-minded explorers. Beyond apps, solo travel will automatically throw you into social settings and opportunities to get to know others and other cultures.

There was a time when I was at multiple cafes around the places I went; I normally looked for fellow travelers to see how he/she/they is/are doing. Then the conversation starts with whereabout they come from, the weather and places of interests. Just for this trip alone, I’ve made 8 new friends, and they mostly come from European capitals.

five: connections and new friendships

I know there are people out there who say they aren’t interested in solo travel because they’d rather go with someone they know. There’s nothing wrong with preferring group travel - I like traveling with friends, too. However, I do find myself cringing any time I hear someone cancel a trip because a friend couldn’t go. The world is just too big to wait for someone to go with you every time you want to go on an adventure. That, coupled with knowing how amazing solo travel can be, would be a shame! Solo travel is the ultimate freedom as you can go wherever you want and on a budget you can afford. You and only you get to decide.

With solo travel, you must know what you’re getting yourself into. You have only yourself to rely on, which can seem scary but invigorating. So, the next time you become inspired to go on a trip, and you can’t find a friend to go with - do yourself a favor and book it! This time for you.

Enjoy my journey and talk to you later,

Emir xx


more than halfway to go..


new year! be happy.