

Hello peeps!

Grateful is an important adjective in my life. I am truly blessed that I’m surrounding by great people. These pictures are people whom support me when I first start off my career in this line. Bila kita berjaya dalam kehidupan, jangan dilupa orang-orang yang pernah menolong kita di suatu masa dahulu. I deeply indebted on each one of you for trusting your money being handled and managed by me. I am for sure will deliver as best as I can. That is my promise. And it’s my personal brand.

When I joined this career, I never thought that I brings joy on people’s life. When I’m sharing the knowledge about financial concept, the risk and also how to manage it, most of them macam ada perasaan enlighten from the knowledge sharing. And that’s it my friend, my aha moment! Not only I can help them, but also blessed them by getting the knowledge.

For me, it is important to understand the concept before you applies in your life. Same goes to financial planning and management. You have to understand the concept first. And you have to understand whether this applicable to your lifestyle. Each of us have different lifestyle. Some of us wanted to save money to go for Hajj. Some of us wanted to save money to go for vacations. And some of us save money to buy a house. You see, each of us have different goals. And with different goals, the plan to achieved it will obviously be different. So my task is to provide solution according to your lifestyle so that you will achieved your financial goal and eventually financial freedom.

Talk to you soon peeps, if anyone wants to have a chat with me about personal financial concept and planning. Please contact me.

Take care and stay safe dear readers! Spread positivity and love yer. Get rid of negativity in our life.


five keys to financial freedom.

