my productive morning routine : 5 things I do every morning.

hello peeps!

hari ini, Emir nak share about my productive morning routine. 5 benda yang I buat every morning.


waking up every morning at 5:45am. immediately kemas katil, lipat selimut and turn on my essential oil. small-small things such as kemas katil, lipas selimut ini memberikan anda perasaan small success dan memberikan anda motivation untuk memulakan hari anda dengan produktif.

( total : 15 minutes )

Emir akan solat subuh dan kemudian membaca sekurang-kurangnya satu halaman al-Quran. Dalam kehidupan ini, kita hendaklah sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. bermula dengan udara yang kita bernafas, sehingga lah makan dinner kita. kita juga haruslah mengucapkan terima kasih kepadaNya diatas semua kemudahan dan kesejahteraan hidup kita sehingga kini. Another way of always remain humble, stay grounded and grateful.

( total : 45 minutes )

Immediately after prayer, I will change to my running attire. quick 5-10km run should be sufficient to maintain my health daily. I workout at the gym 3 times per week. If I’m having a session today, I won’t go for a run more than 5km. Otherwise I will pancit during workout session.

( total : 60 minutes )

Back at home, I will prepare my breakfast and read newspapers and as well read a book (one chapter) sufficient enough to me. I read somewhere that reading a book in the morning is like feeding your brain with food similar as feeding your tummy with food for energy. I just started this routine last year and I must say I’m really enjoying it. You can start anything, article, recipe or even infographic. As long as you read something.

( total : 30 minutes )

After shower, I will start my morning at my desk to plan and track things I need to do and updates. Benjamin Franklin (Founding Fathers of the USA) pernah cakap “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” so from the time boxing and also how I spend my time in a day, I will also incorporate themes on each day to break it into small-small theme task so that I’m able to spend a lot of time and energy focusing on this thematic subjects;

  • Sundays: Rest - Of course la kena rest.

  • Mondays: Personal Growth

  • Tuesdays: Prospects Service

  • Wednesdays: Strategy; Setting or Revisit

  • Thursdays: Clients Service

  • Fridays: Personal Branding and Marketing

  • Saturdays: Administrative

Hope this will inspire you guys in starting off your morning routines every day.

Talk to you soon,


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